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dotnet run -c Release --project .\tests\ArchDdd.Tests.Performance\
_ _ ____ _ ____
| \ | | | __ ) ___ _ __ ___ | |__ ___ _ __ | ___|
| \| | | _ \ / _ \ | '_ ` _ \ | '_ \ / _ \ | '__| |___ \
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|_| \_| |____/ \___/ |_| |_| |_| |_.__/ \___| |_| |____/

17:12:07 [INF] NBomber "5.6.0" started a new session: "2024-05-06_08.12.18_session_acd46090"
17:12:07 [INF] NBomber started as single node
17:12:07 [INF] License validation....
17:12:07 [WRN] THIS VERSION IS FREE ONLY FOR PERSONAL USE. You can't use it for an organization.
17:12:07 [INF] Reports folder: "C:\Workspace\Github\archddd\tests\ArchDdd.Tests.Performance\bin\Release\net8.0\reports\2024-05-06_08.12.18_session_acd46090"
17:12:07 [INF] Plugins: no plugins were loaded
17:12:07 [INF] Reporting sinks: no reporting sinks were loaded
17:12:07 [INF] Starting init...
17:12:07 [INF] Target scenarios: "hello_world_scenario"
17:12:07 [INF] Init finished
17:12:07 [INF] Starting bombing...
17:12:38 [INF] Waiting on scenarios completion...
17:12:42 [INF] Stopping scenarios...
17:12:42 [INF] Calculating final statistics...

─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── test info ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
test suite: nbomber_default_test_suite_name
test name: nbomber_default_test_name
session id: 2024-05-06_08.12.18_session_acd46090

───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── scenario stats ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
scenario: hello_world_scenario
- ok count: 4500
- fail count: 0
- all data: 0 MB
- duration: 00:00:30

load simulations:
- inject, rate: 150, interval: 00:00:01, during: 00:00:30

│ step │ ok stats │
│ name │ global information │
│ request count │ all = 4500, ok = 4500, RPS = 150 │
│ latency │ min = 498.78 ms, mean = 509.94 ms, max = 543.5 ms, StdDev = 5.51 │
│ latency percentile │ p50 = 512.51 ms, p75 = 514.05 ms, p95 = 515.07 ms, p99 = 515.84 ms │

17:12:43 [INF] Reports saved in folder: "C:\Workspace\Github\archddd\reports\2024-05-06_08.12.18_session_acd46090"
17:12:43 [WRN] THIS VERSION IS FREE ONLY FOR PERSONAL USE. You can't use it for an organization.
public void Run()
var scenario = Scenario.Create("hello_world_scenario", async context =>
// you can define and execute any logic here,
// for example: send http request, SQL query etc
// NBomber will measure how much time it takes to execute your logic
await Task.Delay(500);

return Response.Ok();
Simulation.Inject(rate: 150,
interval: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
during: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)) // keep injecting with rate 150
